Courses by Specialization

Anesthesia and ICU

The CSC present for Anesthesia & Intensive Care Unit models and manikins such as Airway management trainers and Intubation trainers for adult, pediatrics and neonate, where the difficult airway intubation simulators trainers are done by assisted devices such as Fiberoptic, Glidoscope, Videoscope, King visionscope, Airway Scope,….ect. One used in life threatening situations

In addition, The Regional Anesthesia nerve Block under the guidance of US models such as:

  • TAP block US training model
  • The Sciatic Nerve models and central venous
  • Access training models
  • Fiberoptic, Glideslope, Videoscope, King vision scope, Airway Scope, …..ect
  • The lumber puncture simulator of adult and pediatrics allows training for both CSF collection and pressure measurement. The High Fidelity Technology with simulated scenarios that can be recorded for debriefing and training in realistic setting


There are several Task Training Manikins and Models that are available for basic and advance surgical:

  • Skills suturing, wound closure and surgery knots trainer, advance Suture evaluation simulator with computerized competency assessment.
  • Basic laparoscopic surgical skills which Improve eye-hand coordination and the Advance laparoscopic mentor simulator have realistic visualization of the human anatomy and practice of full common surgical operations
  • The breast models with simulated lumps and dimples
  • The diabetic foot model with an invasive wound on the bottom of foot and surface inflammation around toes
  • The hernia model that includes inguinal and umbilical hernias.
  • Other task training models for venipuncture, phlebotomy, IV cannulation, and drawing arterial blood samples for monitoring blood gases
  • The nasogastric tube insertion model


There are different training models , manikins for diagnosis and Therapeutic purposes :

  • The heart anatomy; the heart simulator demonstrate the heart sounds and murmurs also the ECG can be observed on the monitor.
  • Simulator for the lung normal and abnormal sounds.
  • The ECHO simulator allows performing TEE and TTE.
  • Endoscopic simulator for training of gastrointestinal upper and lower endoscopic procedures, and Respiratory Bronchoscope examination and procedures.
  • CSC also provides E– learning resources material for examination of different system.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

There are several task trainer models and manikins for gynecological and obstetrical training:

  • Basic manual and electronic Cervical Dilatation Training, Vaginal Examination with several parts for episiotomy suturing, Pelvic Bone trainer with fetal heads and Cervical Replacement models with different finds such as carcinoma, polyp and cyst.
  • The Mterus model permits easy view of IUD and the urethral sling trainer model for insertion of sling trainer model for insertion of sling and needles
  • The Hysteroscopy diagnostic trainer model is for biopsies training and cervix dilation for instruments insertion.
  • The gynecological Laparoscopic simulators trainer provides realistic of Pelvic anatomy and procedural demonstration
  • The Amniocentesis U\S model offers training needle insertion and with fetal blood.
  • The High Fidelity Simulators, maternal and neonatal birthing provides normal delivery management, also vertex breech and c- section deliveries and how to deal with their complications thru scenarios.


There are several Training Task Manikins and Models that are available for:

  • Basic (BLS), Advance Life Support (PALS) and training model Advance Clinical Life Support (ACLS).
  • High Fidelity Simulation Manikins for training thru scripted scenarios of real life emergency situations
  • Training and managing airway by using high standards of difficult airway management, fiber optic and other assisted devices.
  • Central of peripheral vascular access model.
  • Lumber puncture training models.
  • Ultrasound training equipment for spinal and complex emergency training


Ultrasound Training Systems

The CSC hosts wide variety of ultrasound training equipment's:

  • The ABDFAN model includes liver, biliary tract, pancreas, spleen, kidneys that includes many pathological changes such as hepatic lesions and gallbladder and bile duct stones, pancreatic tumors and splenic and kidney lesions and tumors
  • The FAST exam trauma trainer is used for emergencies and critical care, applications.
  • Ultrasound Training models, include is Blue Phantom for the Intrauterine Pregnancy, Trans-vaginal model, Transvaginal Son hysterography, sonosalpingography trainer and cardiocentesis trainer. Moreover, PNB upper limp and lower limp models are available for Regional Anesthesia practice.


In Clinical Skills Center (CSC) there are training models from neonate, new born and pediatrics of all ages.

The high fidelity simulation manikin builds personal confidence team training and facilitates practice in a risk-free environment.

This allows intubations training and can PALS, NRP to be applied.

In addition, other task training simulation models like pediatric lumbar puncture training models are available for Pediatric skills enhancement.

Health High Fidelity Programs

Clinical Skills Centre possess High-fidelity Simulation that provide simulation based clinical education and training into realistic patient care scenarios that challenge health care providers skills and their decision making in case management for undergraduate, postgraduate and faculty development levels.

The basic Sim Man has realistic anatomy and clinical functions for basic and advance scenarios

  • SIM Man 3G or third generation manikin is integrated fully with learning circle with pre-packaged patient cases and scenarios, video system for debriefing.
  • Pediatric 6years old for ER and Trauma case scenarios
  • SimNewBaby and SimBaby infant 3 to 6 months
  • I-Stan provides more realistic physiological aspects and can be used for disaster drill in the field
  • Adult HAL simulator can be rush from accident scene to the ER and to the ICU. It can be directly or automatic controlled
  • Noelle Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulators can be controlled remotely with different material and fetal physiological states in responses to the selected scenarios with normal vaginal & instrumented delivery

These programs help to improve team dynamics, build confidence and facilitates practice in a risk free environment of management of clinical cares in several areas in patient words or clinical areas like:

  • OR
  • ER

Last Update
5/24/2022 9:20:07 AM