Cinque Terre

CSSC Founder Message

Traditional teaching and learning styles are essential to an effective, high-quality health training program, reality-based learning, like students receive at the King Abdulaziz University Clinical Skills & simulation Centre, plays a critical role in developing solid clinical and critical thinking skills.

The KAU-CSSC offers its participants and faculty an unparalleled medical educational experience, preparing the professionals who will shape the future of health care delivery.

The KAU-CSSC at the college of Medicine encourages utilization of these dedicated facilities by all College of Medicine and health College-related clinical groups. The KAU-CSSC is under the auspices of the Office of Vice- Dean for Quality and Development, and Support and is a central part of the Faculty of Medicine mission to provide superior medical education. Faculty and staff of the KAU-CSSC are keen and ready to help develop and implement learning opportunities that focused to enhance Patient-Safety Principles.

Prof. Abdulaziz Boker

KAU-CSSC Founder

Cinque Terre

CSSC Director Message

In 2007, the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center was established as the first center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a vision and mission of excellence in the Middle East. Praise be to God, King Abdulaziz University was proud to reach the goal quickly. With the promising vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, it was imperative for us to move towards global excellence and to be the best. Our starting point was to redraw the strategic plan (HAKI). We ask God Almighty for success and guidance.

Dr. Baraa Tayeb

KAU-CSSC Director

Last Update
1/14/2025 1:58:30 PM